Fidgety - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 12/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fidgety.

5 letter answer(s) to fidgety

  1. nervous and unable to relax; "a constant fretful stamping of hooves"; "a restless child"

4 letter answer(s) to fidgety

  1. being in a tense state
  2. Experimental or Avant-guarde.
  3. highly strung

9 letter answer(s) to fidgety


8 letter answer(s) to fidgety

  1. ceaselessly in motion; "the restless sea"; "the restless wind"
  2. lacking or not affording physical or mental rest; "a restless night"; "she fell into an uneasy sleep"
  3. worried and uneasy

6 letter answer(s) to fidgety


7 letter answer(s) to fidgety

  1. being in a tense state
  2. impatient especially under restriction or delay; "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive"

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