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4th February 2023, 01:11
Lots to enjoy in this week's delightful Prize by very popular Picaroon.

It took me a while to get going but, once I'd entered a couple, the rest went in fairly quickly.

If you do get stuck there is at least one long anagram in the acrosses and at least one hidden in the downs.

I would never have thought that 6d means "smack" but it is confirmed by Chambers thesaurus! I also have never come across the answer to 21d but it wasn't a problem as the wordplay is clear and I had all the crossers.

My only outstanding query is the use of "checks" in 1a - I can't see that it's needed for either the wordplay or the definition, but no doubt I'm missing something obvious!

COD - A three-way tie this week between the 2 long clues at the edges, 1d and 8d and also the wonder "golf follower" at 23d.

Thanks to Picaroon for a witty, fun and enjoyable Prize crossword.

Welcome to new posters Cinders and Davidgoymour (an allusion to Dave Gilmour of whom I'm a big fan?), who joined us last week.

Please feel free to leave a comment and, if you do run into trouble, just post your query on here - there will always be someone around to help.

Stay safe:-)
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4th February 2023, 01:13
....and also the wonderFUL "golf follower" at 23d:-)
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4th February 2023, 01:17
Re 1 ac: ‘checks’ indicates that ‘son’ (1) is inside suffering (2,4), I think. Not obvious at all, though.
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4th February 2023, 01:19
I also enjoyed this, thanks to Picaroon.
About normal Prize difficulty, took a while to get started then proceeded quickly apart from the usual handful of tougher clues.

FOI 1d, which was auspicious.
LOI 21, was able to parse but a new word. Needed Google to verify that and another solution.

Many excellent clues this week. COD 15, which made me laugh 🤣. 1d, 1a and 16 very close.

Brendan, in 1a I read "checks" as an inclusion indicator, "son" inside "suffering". A little weird, but adds to the chess motif.
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4th February 2023, 01:22
Thanks Rogissimo, you could be right. I've never seen it used as an containment indicator before, but that doesn't mean it isn't one - and it does fit nicely with the "chess" part of the clue.
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4th February 2023, 01:26
Hi Geeker,

That's 2 votes for "checks" as a containment indicator and that's good enough for me:-)

I can't believe I missed out 15d from my COD list - I had it written down in my notes, along with 13a, and completely overlooked them 🤬
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4th February 2023, 01:33
I just noticed 24 is clever: a play on 2 standard crossword abbrevs. 😁
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4th February 2023, 01:41

24a - I'm pretty sure Forum regular Malone will not be overly impressed with it 😂
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4th February 2023, 01:44
Oh well...I have low standards of clue-setting and am happy with many things that purists excoriate. Wrote in the answer to 24 but parsed it only after completing the grid.
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4th February 2023, 01:52
Geeker, it was just a tongue-in-cheek comment:-)

Nice to be able to talk about "move(ing) chess pieces" and not have to switch threads - what did you think of the of the clue?
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