Usual - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 08/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Usual.

9 letter answer(s) to usual

  1. according to the customs or usual practices associated with a particular society, place, or set of circumstances.
  2. commonly used or practiced; usual; "his accustomed thoroughness"; "took his customary morning walk"; "his habitual comment"; "with her wonted candor"
  3. in accordance with convention or custom; "sealed the deal with the customary handshake"

4 letter answer(s) to usual

  1. a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical; "the current middle-class norm of two children per family"
  2. a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes"

6 letter answer(s) to usual

  1. being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I've ever met"
  2. conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"
  3. forming a right angle
  4. in accordance with scientific laws
  5. something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"

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