Undamaged, unimpaired - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 19/11/2019

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Undamaged, unimpaired.

6 letter answer(s) to undamaged, unimpaired

  1. (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken; "she was intact, virginal"
  2. (used of domestic animals) sexually competent; "an entire horse"
  3. constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged; "a local motion keepeth bodies integral"- Bacon; "was able to keep the collection entire during his lifetime"; "fought to keep the union intact"
  4. entire, unimpaired, unbroken
  5. undamaged in any way; "the vase remained intact despit rough handling"

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