Toil - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Toil.

3 letter answer(s) to toil

  1. a former executive agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsible for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States

5 letter answer(s) to toil

  1. a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries
  2. a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"
  3. an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement
  4. any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"
  5. concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"
  6. productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
  7. strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
  8. the

6 letter answer(s) to toil

  1. a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries
  2. a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"
  3. concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"
  4. productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
  5. strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
  6. work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"

4 letter answer(s) to toil

  1. strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
  2. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
  3. work doggedly or persistently; "She keeps plugging away at her dissertation"
  1. (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force; "work equals force times distance"
  2. a place where work is done; "he arrived at work early today"
  3. a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing; "it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works"; "the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work"; "he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey"; "the work of an active imagination"; "erosion is the work of wind or water over time"
  4. activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"
  5. applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
  6. arrive

7 letter answer(s) to toil

  1. concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"
  2. use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort"; "they managed only with great exertion"
  3. work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"

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