Stand up - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 05/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Stand up.

5 letter answer(s) to stand up

  1. come into existence; take on form or shape;
  2. get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night"
  3. move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
  4. originate or come into being; "a question arose"
  5. result or issue; "A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion"
  6. rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded"
  7. take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance

7 letter answer(s) to stand up

  1. a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic
  2. a stiff hair
  3. be in a state of movement or action; "The room abounded with screaming children"; "The garden bristled with toddlers"
  4. have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles; "bristling leaves"
  5. react in an offended or angry manner; "He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program"
  6. rise up as in fear; "The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!"

4 letter answer(s) to stand up

  1. (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; "the emanation of the Holy Spirit"; "the rising of the Holy Ghost"; "the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son"
  2. a growth in strength or number or importance
  3. a movement upward; "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon"
  4. a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground
  5. an increase in cost; "they asked for a 10% rise in rates"
  6. an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make it up the rise"
  7. become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
  8. become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
  9. come into existence; take on form or shape;
  10. come to the surface
  11. come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends"
  12. exert oneself to meet a challenge; "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasi

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