Slow - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 09/11/2019

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Slow.

5 letter answer(s) to slow

  1. a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle
  2. an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant
  3. any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants
  4. anything that slows or hinders a process; "she wan not ready to put the brakes on her life with a marriage"; "new legislation will put the brakes on spending"
  5. cause to stop by applying the brakes; "brake the car before you go into a curve"
  6. large coarse fern often several feet high; essentially weed ferns; cosmopolitan
  7. stop travelling by applying a brake; "We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road"
  1. (music) a composition or passage that is to be performed in a slow and dignified manner
  2. slowly and broadly
  3. very slow in tempo and broad in manner

8 letter answer(s) to slow

  1. hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
  2. take one's time; proceed slowly
  3. the deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working
  4. waste time; "Get busy--don't dally!"

9 letter answer(s) to slow

  1. in an unhurried way or at one's convenience; "read the manual at your leisure"; "he traveled leisurely"
  2. not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace"

4 letter answer(s) to slow

  1. nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes
  1. a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)
  2. small and remote and insignificant; "a jerkwater college"; "passed a series of poky little one-horse towns"
  3. wasting time

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