Handed out cards - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 29/04/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Handed out cards.

5 letter answer(s) to handed out cards

  1. act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
  2. administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"
  3. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
  4. behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
  5. come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
  6. direct the course of; manage or control; "You cannot conduct business like this"
  7. distribute cards to the players in a game; "Who's dealing?"
  8. do business; offer for sale as

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