Comes across revolutionary art and poetry - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 14/10/2021

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Comes across revolutionary art and poetry.

9 letter answer(s) to comes across revolutionary art and poetry

  1. a horizontal beam that extends across something
  2. a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it
  3. deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit
  4. taking a zigzag path on skis
  5. to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries"
  6. to move to and fro over or along to ascend, descend, or cross (a slope or gap) at an angle to move (a gun) to right or left on a pivot
  7. travel across
  8. travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"

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